World Vision joined the celebrations of Makira/Ulawa Province’s second appointed day last week and continued with a three days mini fair show.
The mini show from August 4-6 saw World Vision’s Makira Area Program displaying their project activities as part of the celebration and show casing four projects namely, Makira Climate Change Adaptation project, Makira Literacy Project, Makira Economic Development Project and Maternal Child Health and Nutrition Projects.
The Community Economic Development project put on a great show for the public to highlight its community savings group activities and its producer groups. During the show, the Matanagoa Community saving group demonstrated the World Vision savings model and explained it is easy and simple for people to understand and use.
The group also expressed how the scheme is supportive to community saving group members by providing avenues for loans and social funds. Many members of the Matanagoa community saving group use their personal savings and loans to cover basic needs such school fees, building materials and medical fees while the social fund is used only for emergency purposes for members of the saving group.
One member shared with the public that he was able to get a $2000 loan from the saving group to start a canteen that has been in operation for five months. The canteen is a very successful business and is generating an average income of $5000 per month.
Another member spoke about how the social fund supported her when she had complication during child birth. “I had no money and the bank was closed but I had to get to Honiara for medication and treatment,” she said.
“I am so lucky to be a member of the Matanagoa saving group. The group used its social fund to support me so that I could pay for the transport to get to Honiara.”
She and her baby were able to get the medical treatment they needed and are now both healthy and strong.
Also as part of the show, the World Vision Makira Maternal Child Health and Nutrition project team put on a performance to raise awareness on safe motherhood and informing them of potential complications that can arise during pregnancy and how pregnant mothers can look after themselves and their newborns.
The drama educated the public about signs and symptoms a baby might have that requires immediate treatment from health centers, the importance of exclusive breastfeeding to prevent babies from getting sick and importance of immunization for mothers and babies.
World Vision Village Health Volunteers Florence Faruara, PhilistusTaisau and Pricilla Kapageni, from Santa Anna, expressed their appreciation to World Vision for providing them training and equipping them with skills and knowledge to assist pregnant women and new mothers in their community.
The three day mini show ended with many people who attended learning new things and taking away with them new ideas and knowledge back to their homes and villages.