MALAITA’S financial woes are deepening, resulting in provincial workers not getting paid again last week.
This is the third time workers are not paid in time in recent months.
Workers told the Solomon Star on Friday that on pay weeks, their salaries were supposed to be in their bank accounts by Wednesday.
“Until Friday evening, there was nothing in our bank accounts,” one worker told the Solomon Star.
He added those banking with ANZ have not been paid for the last two pay days.
“This is not acceptable,” he said.
“The province has been fooling us all along. We have families to feed and care for.
“When we are not paid in time, how do they expect us to work?”
The worker said during the last meeting with the treasurer on the issue, they were assured their salaries will be paid in time this round.
“But look what happened? We have been fooled again.”
The provincial treasurer Francis Iro was not available yesterday for comments as he was away in his village in north Malaita.
The provincial secretary Peter Hauia was also unavailable to explain the situation.
The Solomon Star was told families affected have been borrowing foods on credit from local shops to keep them going.
Disgruntled provincial workers warned if the salary issue is not resolved, they will not attend work.
in Auki