PLANS are underway by the ministry of infrastructure development (MID) to improve the effectiveness of the existing MID materials testing laboratory.
The plan was initiated since the early of this year.
In a statement MID said the lab has always had a presence in MID projects and has played an important role in checking the quality of materials used in construction for MID and private contractors.
Director of the Transport Sector Development Project, Harry Rini said recently an independent consultant was brought in to assess the needs of the lab, with a view to raising the quality of operations to an international standard.
He said in conjunction with the Naro Hill-Lambi Rehabilitation Project on West Guadalcanal, in 2015, the laboratory will be brought into operation as a fully equipped and staffed laboratory, capable of completing certified materials testing for all transport infrastructure projects.
Rini said furthermore MID is currently making arrangement to resource the lab by recruiting a fulltime Lab Technician. MID is also in the process of allocating one of its senior engineers to head the lab.
He revealed once this Lab is fully resourced, a policy paper needs to be drafted so that all construction firms operating in the country can utilize its service.
This he said would produce a potential source of income for the ministry.