Tamboko community high school in North West Guadalcanal is another beneficiaries of the water and sanitation projected implemented by Live and Learn with the help from UNICEF.
This school is one of the eight schools in the province to receive such support.
School principal and school chairman signed the memorandum of understanding with Live and Learn for the start of the implementation program.
Live and Learn technical advisor William Chipu said work on sanitation for school will kick start today.
“During technical supervisors work on sanitation students, teachers and parents must help them,” Mr Chipu said.
Chairman of the school board Albert Tanimana said the school is now progressing with projects as they look forward to start form four (4) next year.
“This is part of our future plan to expand the school,” Mr Tanimana said.
He added the main problem for the school is with water and sanitation and the project has now solved that.
Mr Tanimana urged students, staff and parents to assist the technical supervisors while doing their work this week and next week.
Meanwhile the school principal, staff and students acknowledged live and learn with donor partners for funding and implementing the project.