Electoral managers (EM) and accountants are undergoing a three days intensive training in preparation for the upcoming national general elections.
The training is aimed to preparing the managers and their accountants to take up their roles as the overall managers, coordinators and accountable officers for the national election in their provinces.
Representatives of all the ten provinces have attended the three days training which will end tomorrow.
Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) training officer Madelyn Ero said this is part of their ongoing preparatory trainings which is very important as the election date is drawing near.
Ms Ero said these trainings must be done in time before the election date.
She said it is their responsibility to train the EMs and accountants to ensure there is transparency and accountability and fairness in their work.
She said it is vital that proper accounting is done to ensure proper management and coordination work has been effectively carried out throughout each province.
Donald Anga who is the electoral manager of Malaita province said this training is like a refresher course to equip them and reinforce the knowledge, skills and experience they have in the job to ensure they carry out a better job when it comes to the election day.
Mr Anga said the training reminded them of their responsibilities as managers to ensure returning officers and presiding officers in this coming election are doing their work and that they all work together.
“Now that this training also includes accountants, it will help them to understand their roles and also to enable us to have the understanding to work collaboratively to make sure work that needs to be done is done and on time,” Mr Anga said.
However one of the main problems usually faced during the past elections is finance to run out the jobs to be done in time before the election date, he highlighted.
“I hope the problem like delay in finance to mobilise and carryout the work before the elections is not happening this time inorder to speed up all preparation work,” Mr Anga said.
Meanwhile Anga said they are confident and prepare to take on their task with all responsibilities.