Three interns who have successfully gone through the Youth@Work internship program left the country for Taiwan yesterday to undergo further vocational training.
Heading for Tai-Chunghua-Nantou Regional branch Institute for a 3 month study program on various fields ranging from, computer applications and networking to Refrigeration and air-conditioning.
The interns were handpicked by Youth@Work for the program which is a result of a close relationship between the Solomon Islands government (Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family affairs; Youth Division) and the Taiwanese Government through its Ministry of Labour.
First secretary of ROC (Taiwan) Embassy in Honiara, Mr Francis Soong spoke of this partnership yesterday at the Henderson International Airport at the intern’s departure.
“ROC has been working with very closely with the Solomon Island government and have funded scholarships for students to study in Taiwan and have also created projects within the country in Agriculture, Medicine, public health and many more but this is the first of its kind, and we hope that these young people can come back and help Solomon Islands with what they have learnt.”
The interns, all in their early twenties were excited and eager to board the flight, but amidst the excitement, they expressed gratitude for this opportunity, “Through Youth@Work I now have the chance to travel and study abroad. I am very privileged to have been handed this opportunity,” Intern Roger Hou said yesterday at the Henderson International Airport.
Another intern saw this opportunity to not only better himself but to also represent Solomon Islands overseas.
This program is the first of its kind which is in its testing phase and depending on its success will continue to sponsor more young people. The three interns from Youth@work were among five youth who departed yesterday for Taiwan.
Youth@Work is a combined effort of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), the Ministry of National Unity, Peace and Reconciliation; The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration and the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs. It is a long term programme to tackle youth unemployment in the Solomon Islands and is funded by Australian Aid. To date, over 1600 youth have been given job internships and extensive training under the programme, with another 1500 youth given entrepreneurial opportunities and training through the popular YOUTH MARKET.
Joseph Manemaka
Youth@Work Communications