Last month’s youth market theme allowed young people to focus on how they incorporate peace buildinginto their skills and talents. The popular youth market will have a new theme for October as election fever is on the rise.
Through this coming market, youths will be given a venue to learn about elections and to express themselves about the issues, and be involved in clean election through activities around the theme at the market this week.
The events main attraction, the dance and song competition, will be based on the slogan selected by Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI), “My Vote My Future.”
“TSI believes by disseminating information about the role of an MP and the Role of Voters and the kind of Regulation during election period at the youth market, youths can make wise decision and vote for the right leaders,” said Philip ManakakoJr of Transparency Solomon Islands.
“And by having right leaders in Parliament we believe that our country can move forward and become a strong nation.” He concluded.
Apart from helping to create a lively learning environment for youths in the election period at the market, young people are encouraged to share their thoughts on the market’s theme through song and dance and even displays in their stalls.
“My future depends on my vote and I want to share how important that is to me through the song competition.” says Caroline Isa, a young song competitor at the youth market.
“Election matters to everyone in the society. Election is not only about voters casting their votes during Election Day but rather comes with a decision to vote for a right Leader,” added TSI Officer, Philip Manakako Jr.
The prizes for the competitions are being sponsored by Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI)
YOUTH MARKET will begin at the Art Gallery this Thursday October 23rd with a dance competition, a song competition on Friday October 24th and concludes on Saturday October 25th with live band entertainment. Stalls will open daily from 10 am to 4:30pm.
The youth market provides a venue for young entrepreneurs to sell their products and for young artists to showcase their talent. Youth @ Work is implemented by The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) with support from the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and peace. It is funded by the Australian Aid bilateral program. For more information contact [email protected]
By Regina Lepping
YAW Youth Market Communications Officer