Form three students throughout Malaita schools sitting for their mathematics exam on Tuesday have reported printing errors in their paper.
About 3 pages are said to had been collated with multiple errors in the order of questions and answer booklets.
Some schools in the province were reported to have had their exam postphoned set for the morning hours of day whilst finding alternatives.
Schools located near Auki town reportedly had to redo the papers by photocopying and collating them in order and ruling out errors.
A head teacher at Aligegeo Provincial Secondary School on Thursday admitted that upon learning of the printing errors they had to cancel the exams whilst sorting it out in the fastest way.
They traveled to Auki town, photocopied and reprinted all the exam papers and rescheduled the exams for the afternoon.
“The printing errors happened when the printing company stapled and collate all the papers.
“We had to cancel the sitting which I know has affected the moral preparedness of students”.
He pointed out the problem as a minor fault which National Examinations Standard Unit (NESU) officials fail to see while overseeing the errors.
Another head teacher from Auki community High school Mr Maenua said they however continued on with the examinations by ruling out the printing errors.
“This kind of printing errors should not be repeated in the future as it affects the time frame of exams and panic among us as the invigilators”.
He added that the possibility of exam papers leaking to remote schools who reported cancel their exams on that particular day are high.
“We refused handing out questions and answer sheets to students after the exam as they might spread it to their fellow friends in other schools.”
A form three student of Aligegeo School complained that the delay caused disturbances to their concentration and preparedness for the morning exams.
“So fortunate that our school is close proximity to town accessing printing shops in town whilst sad for those of my same class in farthest areas of the province.
“Hope the errors are solved and the responsible authorities to avoid future occurrence.”
NESU office in Honiara cannot be reached in time for comments.
By Teddy Kafo
In Auki