FORM seven results are expected to be released before this weekend, says permanent secretary of Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Dr Franco Rodie.
Dr Rodie made the assurance after students and parents continued to enquire about the results.
Results for forms 1, 4 and 6 were already published.
Dr Rodie said the delay was due to technical problems encountered in trying to upload the results into the ministry’s system.
However, he said the problem had been rectified and the results are expected to be released by National Examination and Standard Unit (NESU) this week.
Unlike the other levels’ exams, the Form 7 papers were set by the South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment (SPBEA) based in Suva, Fiji.
SPBEA would also determine those eligible to continue on to do form seven.
After the students sat the exams last year, all the papers were sent back to Fiji for marking before results were released prior to the start of academic year this year.”