Investors and middle-men trying to visit the shutdown Gold Ridge Mine have been told to keep out from the mine site.
A chief who wishes to remain anonymous told FSII News yesterday that so far his people have recorded 5 different unknown investors and middlemen intruding into the mining lease area to take pictures of the area, main plant site and surrounding areas.
When asked, they said they are agents or representatives of overseas investors and have been advised by the government to visit the mine site to see for themselves the current state of the mine.
“We still have a lot issues to be sorted out with the government and the company, therefore any interested investor who wish to reopen the mine must see our legal representatives, the Gold Ridge Community and Landowners Council (GRCLC), and not any Tom, Dick and Harry”, the chief said.
He said he personally confronted one on Wednesday this week and told them to keep out of their land, but this group, led by a Chinese and accompanied by Policemen said they were sent by the government.
He also warned the government not to entertain such visits without the GRCLC’s approval.
“Please show some respect to us traditional landowners because we are an important stakeholder of the mining project”, he added.
Meanwhile the Chairman of the GRCLC, Dick Douglas said it is disappointing to realize that some people are taking advantage of the closed mine to siphon money from potential investors.
“It is advisable that anyone wishing to visit the mining lease area must contact us so that we can provide rightful information and explanation that they may wish to obtain”, Douglas said.
He reminded the government through the responsible Ministry to respect his council by liaising with them about potential investors who are interested to visit the mine site.
At the same time, Douglas warned potential investors to be vigilant and careful about those they are dealing with regarding the gold ridge mine.
“There are many so-called landowners around, but the only legitimate body that deals with all landowner issues pertaining to Gold Ridge Mine is the GRCLC.
“We have a lot of issues that you need to be aware of, therefore it is only proper that you deal with my council, the legitimate body that represents every landowning tribes and groups that own land at gold ridge”, he said.
– FSII News