A new project that will monitor and ensure Constituency Development Funds (CDF) are used in an transparent and accountable manner will be launched this week.
Entitled ‘Constituency Development Funds Community Audit,’ this project will be undertaken Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI).
A statement from TSI said, the CDF Community Audit is a two year project funded by the United Nation Democracy Fund (UNDEF).
TSI Executive Officer, Daniel Fenua said, that the CDF Community Audit proposed to assist Solomon Islanders in building an inclusive and empowered societywhere citizens are able to get access to information and to participate in community development.
He added, that also the project will help empower communities to demand more accountability from their leaders when administering CDF.
Mr Fenua explained that the project will be achieved through a community level advocacy project that will visit each of the 50 constituencies over a two year period.
“The project should also send a strong message to all current Members of Parliament (MP) that if they used CDF money corruptly they will be easily get caught as the project aims to ensure that there is transparent use of CDFs and people take actions against MPs.
“There will be networks of committees set up in the rural communities and for these two years their role is to ensure what is intended for them is well received and that the recipient community or individual used it rightly.”
The statement highlighted that during the visits participants will learn about the intended purposes of CDFs, the development status of CDFs, the rules that govern the system and what they can do to help their representatives make sure this money is spent effectively and appropriately.
“Also this project will question the effectiveness of CDF in the rural area and documented it to verify if there is tangible existence of the projects in the rural areas or not.”
Community members who believe that there is evidence of corruption in the allocation of funds to particular projects in their constituencywill be encourage to make a formal complaint to TSI’s free legal service the Advocacy and LegalAdvice Centre (ALAC) and other relevant bodied established to combat corruption.
“As you may notice, this is a very important project and we would like to acknowledge UNDEF for funding this project which will socially audit whether or not CDF has elevated development in the rural area or not.” Mr. Fenua said.
TSI is currently looking for two passionate persons to manage the project. If you are interested you can call into TSI Office. Call us on 28319 or email the Executive Officer at [email protected].