The Solomon Islands Red Cross (SIRC) along with the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) has completed its initial assessment for the Temotu outer islands following cyclone Pam’s destruction fortnight ago.
Red Cross Deputy Secretary General Clement Manuri said a team from Red Cross was part of the assessment that was dispatched to Temotu.
“Our team in Temotucranch was assisted by one of our officers from the Western Provincial branch to carry out the assessment.”
He said because of the remoteness of the Tikopia and Anuta Islands, the assessment team traveled last week with relief effort items as well.
“We have sent some food and non-foods items along with our teams down to the very remote islands of Tikopia and Anuta Island.”
He said,the assessment team returned toLatayesterday and are now working on their assessment report.
“Action to support the victims will be taken based on the report.”
Meanwhile Mr Manuri also added that Red Cross Auki branch arealso doing their assessment in Malaita Province.
“Our team in Auki is currently doing their assessments in Malaita Province.”