Seven doctors and four nurses from the Flinders Medical Centre in Australia are currently in the country to help out in the outpatient and emergency ward at the National Referral Hospital (NRH).
Speaking to the Solomon Star yesterday, Director of the Emergency ward Dr Pedical Togamae has confirmed that a total of 11 medical experts are currently serving at the NRH emergency ward since their arrival on Monday.
Dr Togamae said, the purpose of the visiting medical team is to teach local officers at the emergency department on various practical sessions on advance life support, ultrasound and trauma care.
He said, the skills and experience of the visiting medical experts will help local medical team at the NRH emergency ward to learn more about life saving approaches when dealing with emergency cases.
“Dealing with emergency cases is not an easy task and to have medical experts offering free knowledge in such area is a blessing to the emergency department,” he added.
He said, advance life support skills are needed at the emergency ward to deal with emergency cases and that is just what the visiting team is conducting lessons on at the moment.
The Flinders Medical team will be here in the country for a period of two weeks conducting lessons for the local medical team at the NRH emergency and helping out in clinical works.
He said, the presence of the team will not only help the medical staff at the emergency ward but also ease the burden at the outpatient for the remaining days that the team will be here for.
When the Flinders Medical team returns to Australia after their two weeks with the NRH, Dr Togamae later some local medical staff at the NRH emergency department will also go over to Australia to undergo training and experience at Flinders Medical Centre.
He said, the arrangement was made last year by the former director of emergency ward Dr Kenton Sade with the Dr. Mathew Wright from the centre.
By Biriau Wilson Saeni