A CROCODILE measuring about 2.6 meter has been trapped and killed at Bina in the Langlanga lagoon, Malaita Province yesterday.
This was made possible through the assistance of the local Police officers and Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI).
Acting Provincial Police Commander in Auki Inspector David Wate said,the operation followed concerns from local villagers in the area who have reported sightings of a number of crocodiles, which have snatched and killed a number of dogs and pigs from the area.
He said, Auki police with the help of RAMSI had previously caught a 2.5 meter crocodile in the same area six weeks ago.
“The Auki Police will continue to assist local chiefs and communities in dealing with this threat in their communities in various parts of Malaita Province.
“Auki police soon will be deployed to East Kwara’ae in ward 16 to assist the Faumamanu community following reports of crocodiles snatching a numbers of dogs and pigs.”
Inspector Wate said,various communities surrounding Malaita Province also raised the same concern about the presence of crocodiles in their communities.
“I would like assure the public to immediately report to police if they sight any crocodile into their communities.”
In Auki