Four early childhood teachers of the Anglican church of Melanesia Education authority will be travelling to London this coming Thursday for a four weeks literacy attachment in England.
The teachers were selected from Saint Nicholas Primary school, Norman Palmer School, Saint Francis Vaturanga, and Taroniara. While in the UK the teachers will have the chance and opportunity to do observation in the classroom and around the school to become familiar with routines, behavioural management, and time table and teaching and learning.
The four school teachers will also have the chance to teach a maths and English warm up activity to a class and meet with mentors to discuss what have been observe and reflect on own practice.
The teachers will be spending most of their times in the classrooms in Feniton, Manchester, London and Chester.
It is anticipated that upon their return, they will assist and help other teachers to improve teaching of literacy in the Anglican Church run ECE schools in the country.
The four school ECE teachers’ trip was funded by the UK Melanesian mission.