John Iroi of Afio land owning tribe requested the Malaita premier Peter Ramohia to hold consultations with him and his tribe, since land dispute remains a priority to solve before development could take place.
Mr Iroi stated in his interview that Afio land covering Maka and Parasi were earmarked for development but continuous rival over ownership is a matter that relevant authorities must deal with before they can talk about development.
He said, that they are ever ready to hold consultation with the new premier for Malaita since the former premier who is well versed with their land issues vacated his seat in the last provincial election.
He added Afio is the economic centre in the Southern region of Malaita, thus government must prioritise land matters in the area so that development could happen.
Moreover, Iroi said they will attempt to meet the premier in person anytime after the independence celebration.