TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands (TSI) is currently in the Western Province to hold workshops on the topic of Constituency Development Fund (CDF).
In a statement, the Communication Unit of TSI said that the awareness workshop is intended to increase citizen’s access to information concerning CDF
“During the visit, the TSI team will be holding four workshops in different communities in Western Province,” the statement said.
“The communities which the workshop will be held are Vonunu, in South Vellla La Vella Constituency, Lengana, in Ranongga/Simbo Constituency, Gizo, Gizo/Kolombangara Constituency and Seghe in Marovo Constituency,” the statement added.
“We are aiming at disseminate CDF information to over 500 constituents with regards to what is CDF, why CDF governance is an issue, the annual CDF’s budget of previous years and what citizen can do to make CDF effective in their communities.”
This undertaking is part of the CDF Community Consultation and Awareness Project which was funded by the United Nation Democracy Funds (UNDEF) and will see TSI reaching out to 32 constituencies across the country in a period of two years.
“So far TSI have conducted similar workshops in five Constituencies in Guadalcanal Province and three constituencies Honiara.
“In Western Province TSI is looking forward to hear stories from people in the rural communities on how the CDF is been spent, distributed and manage,” the statement said.