…. Lead to temporary closure of Good Samaritan Hospital
Good Samaritan Hospital at Tetere, Guadalcanal Plains has now been re-opened after it was temporarily closed on Friday 18th September.
A press statement from the hospital management said, the chairman of the hospital board Dr. Joel Denty, had directed the closure of the hospital services after staff were threatened last week.
The report said the decision was made in the best interest of safety of the hospital staff following an incident of the previous day.
It stated that since April 2015, interested parties were putting up stalls for marketing outside the hospital premises, adjacent to the homes of the nurses.
It said, meeting after meeting were held with the so-called landowners, hospital board and leaders of the neighbouring communities with promises to re-locate the market stalls were not kept.
It said instead, permanent structures were being put up, soon after the meetings. Sale of alcohol and gambling together with other unwanted activities continued to the harassment and annoyance of the nursing staff and their families.
The statement said, matters turned ugly when two separate groups claimed ownership of the said land, even though the Salesians of Don Bosco Solomons Trust holds the title of a fix-term estate for 50 years from the Land Registry.
The Don Bosco complex and the hospital complex are located in this land. To counteract the claims of one group that put up permanent structures, the other group cut down the rain trees along the road. This had created tensions and even hostility towards the staff of the hospital.
Hurlin of stones and abuses to the staff houses, the adjacent Parish Church properties. Mary Tavake, the head nurse had to seek shelter at the Tetere Police station, fearing for her safety.
At a meeting with the Tetere Police, it was noted that the Health Minister, Director of Health Services and other medical officers of the Guadalcanal province along with a few nursing staff met at the Police station in the evening.
The Director of Health Services, Dr. Joel Denty had instructed the hospital to be re-opened, having received assurance of the police protection.
Over 30 staff are serving in the Good Samaritan Hospital.
By Nick John