RENBEL premier Collin Singamoana has ordered Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID) to get out of Renbel Province.
The order came after the executive cancelled APID’s provincial business licence last week.
Premier Singamoana told the Solomon Star that since APID’s business licence was cancelled, the company has no right to remain in his province.
“I now called on APID to go and pickup all their machineries, equipment and other materials and leave Rennell Island immediately because they are now longer welcomed in the province,” he said.
“We do not need APID to operate in Renbel since they have never complied with our provincial business licence ordinance.
“And in view of that I would like to call on them to vacate Rennell island as soon as possible,’’ Mr Singamoana said.
He added he had already informed the relevant authorities about the cancellation of APID’s business licence.
“My executive did not want them anymore and we do not want to work with them since they have disobeyed our decision,” he said.
Premier Singamoana said APID must leave the land area they are currently occupying as their station headquarters in West Rennell .