North New Georgia Constituency has responded positively to an appeal by the Helena Goldie Hospital (HGH) School of Nursing by assisting the school with sheets of roofing iron.
This is to build its administration building.
About sixty (60) sheets of roofing iron were delivered to the school on Saturday, 12th September by Prima Kuku, a representative from North New Georgia.
She acknowledged the service the hospital has rendered to the people including the communities in North New Georgia.
“Our investment in the health sector is a sure investment. Its return is many.
This is an investment where our seniors in the community, the women and children and the disadvantaged can be best and well served.
“The North New Georgia constituency is investing on where people can benefit and served most, not only in a short term but in the medium and long term as well.
“Our assistance may be small but we give with an open and sound mind and with a big and honest heart.
“This assistance receives the approval and support from the elders of North New Georgia constituency.
“The Church leaders, chiefs, men, women, youths and children in Kalikolo and Kusaghein North New Georgia are happy to support the HGH School of Nursing,”she concluded.
The principal of the school Henry Gumi was full of smiles following the assistance.
He thanked the people of North New Georgia for the quick respond and for the support they have for the HGH School of Nursing and the Helena Goldie Hospital as well.
“The school look forward to the day when the other constituencies who have been served by the Helena Goldie Hospital will offer their support to the school and the hospital,” he said.