A resident of east Kwara’ae, Malaita province, urges chiefs in the area to work hard among their communities to stop sale of illegal drugs at the Faumamanu Community Market.
He said that Faumamanu Market is one of the market Outlets, which serves wards 14, 15, 16 and 17 in east Kwara’ae area.
The man, who requested not to be named for security reasons, claimed the sale of marijuana at Faumamanu market is just like selling slippery cabbage to market vendors.
“This is a real concern for the communities in the area and chiefs and elders there must work together with the police to eradicate the illegal trade,” he said.
He said that this kind of practice has been going on there for many years.
The man said sale of kwaso too is becoming popular and on increase at Faumamanu market.
“I know that most people here have the same thought like me but have no chance to raise it,” he added.
“We have lots of chiefs there but surprising, no one seems to care about this illegal activity in this market,” he said.
“I want to call upon the chiefs, elders, church and community leaders of east Kwara’ae mainly Faumamanu area to work together with Police to do away with these illegal activities being practiced here.”
“This is 2016 so let us do some cleaning up in this area. Let us say no to these illegal activities and focus more on development activities here,” the man said.