RESOURCE owners of the multi-million dollar Fiu hydro power project on Malaita have commended the National Government, donors and stakeholders for their support and commitment to develop and implement Fiu Hydro Project on Malaita Province.
Fiu Hydro Resource Owners Alfred Gegeo thanked the Asian Development Bank, the Malaita Provincial Government, Solomon Power and other stake holders for their support towards the project.
Mr Gegeo expressed the appreciation during the resource owners’ Executive Committee Meeting in Auki last week.
He said 2015 has been a successful year for the Fiu resource owners in carrying out awareness and advocacy programmes in informing the Government and other stakeholders on the importance of the project for the province and the country as a whole.
He said one of the key highlights for the resource owners has been the development and submission of its Strategic Work Plan: 2015-2017 to the National Government for its information and consideration.
“The strategic work plan is a blue print for the resource owners’ active engagement and participation in the economic development of the country, more so, in the implementation of the Fiu hydro project.
“The Fiu hydro resources owners look forward to another successful and productive year 2016, in which, the work on the Fiu hydro project can be further enhanced and progressed,” the chairman said.
The Fiu hydro project is one of the major national projects on Malaita under the current DCC Government with a total funding of USD$15 million (SDB$110 million), of which USD$12 million is coming from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the other USD$3 million from Solomon Islands Government and Solomon Islands Electricity Authority respectively.
“Funds for the project have already been secured according to Mr Gegeo.
He added that full construction work is expected to start in 2017 after all the survey; design and other related technical work has been completed.
He thanked the National Government, Asian Development Bank, Malaita Provincial Government, the Solomon Power, and other stakeholders for the support in assisting the resources owners with the implementation of their work plan and programmes.