THE Namuga Hospital in Star Harbour, east Makira, will next week, host an overseas dental team.
A statement from team leader Dr Som Ling, a staunch supporter of the hospital, says the team will be offering dental treatment on Sunday mornings from 13th to 20th March.
“This will be pain relief only and dental advice,” Mr Ling said.
“My dental team will visit Namuga School on 11th, 14th, 15th and 16th March to conduct a survey and dental examinations of all students,” she added.
“They can decline involvement but any students seen to have urgent treatment needs will be given a note to take home and the parents can come in with the student on the Sunday or after school to have a discussion about the concerns and the option of basic treatment,” she says.
Dr Som Ling also adds, due to the lack of power, they cannot offer permanent fillings only temporary fillings or extractions or advice at this stage.
The main aim of this visit, she clarifies, is to gather information about the dental needs, so they can coordinate future visits with appropriate treatment.
She also adds that along with her overseas team would be Dr. Freda, the new Makira Dental Director, and her assistant at the KiraKira Hospital. .
Dr Som Ling also says her team will visit Naapu School on 17th, 18th and 21st March with the same information they plan to share with students of the Namuga School.
“We will be available for discussion about concerns and desires for dental need on Sunday early afternoon on 13th March, say maybe at or around 1:30pm.
“For women’s groups Dianne and Sonia would like to run a women’s health talk on Sunday afternoon, 13th and 20th March.
“There is flexibility with this, we have been advised by Dr Chris Miller, and Nancy that Sunday afternoon would be the most suitable time.
“Dr Chris Miller has suggested that we visit Mwakorukoru, as this is an isolated area with much health needs so we were thinking of going there on Sat 12th March,” she said in an email.
The visit is part of the support rendered by the supporters of the Namuga Hospital Project which is expected to complete later this year.