THE Guadalcanal Provincial government led by newly elected premier Anthony Veke has only today to pass their 2016-2017 budget.
According to Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening law, every budget of the nine provincial governments must be passed before March the 31st.
This was to allow the Minister to endorse it before the province can spend their money on operational matters and developmental projects.
Failure to do so, will result in the province missing out on the budget allocated by the national government.
Guadalcanal province had just elected its new premier on Tuesday and will need to formulate its policy before tabling its budget.
Attempts to speak with Mr Veke yesterday unsuccessful.
Furthermore, Solomon Star found out the other two bigger provinces, Malaita and Western province had already passed their budgets.
Malaita Premier, Peter Ramohia said the Assembly had passed the $30 million recurrent and development budget last Thursday.
While, Western province Minister of Finance and Treasury, Lester Saomasi said they just passed their $25.1 million for the next 12 months in Gizo yesterday.
Isabel Province had also passed its budget yesterday in Buala.
While, Makira Ulawa, Choiseul, Central Islands and Temotu province had passed their budgets last week.
Makira Ulawa passed its $9 million recurrent budget, followed by Central Islands province with its $7 million, Choiseul – $14.4 million and Temotu – $6 million.
It is understood that Rennell and Bellona had passed its budget already.