INMATES from the Auki Correctional Centre have undergo a two days of legal rights literacy training this week.
It was held at the Correctional recreational centre.
The program was facilitated by members from the Family Support Centre (FSC) office in Honiara with funds made possible by the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) under the Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace (MNURP).
According to FSC community educator and training officer Hendrick Barai, the program was mainly to inform the inmates some of the the legal rights information in divorce, marriage separation, child abuse and domestic violence under the Family Protection Act.
“These services were provided under the organisation FSC to access the information of legal rights,” Mr Barai said.
He added that they have also helped them with these information as when they return to their respective communities they will help their communities through what they have learnt here.
“This is the first place for this program to organise before moving on to the other provinces.”
Mr Barai also stated that the officers and the inmates have expressed appreciation on the program which really helps them a lot.
“The inmates call on the donor UNDP to continue with its funding support so that such awareness be carried out.”
Public launch on the awareness about the Family Protection Act will be held on Friday, the 8th April 2016.
The training which commenced on Tuesday and ended yesterday.
In Auki