GUADALCANAL premier Anthony Veke says the provincial government has nothing to do with last Sunday’s burning of homes in the Windy Ridge area, central Guadalcanal.
At least five homes were set alight during the incident, leaving women and children homeless.
Mr Veke said his government does not have anything to do with the incident, and has called on the disputing parties to resolve their differences.
He also dismissed claims he met with one of the parties before the incident.
The incident was between the people of Malango and those from Tasimboko who settled in the Windy Ridge area.
Mr Veke said the incident stemmed from land dispute between two groups of people from Guadalcanal.
“Although it’s between Guadalcanal people themselves, it’s important the parties resolve the matter amicably.
“The problem was a result of long outstanding issues with land.”
Premier Vekepointed that illegal settlement is a long standing issue on Guadalcanal.
“This is a big issue which have to be addressed nationally.”
“I hope we will come up with something positive towards addressing this outstanding issue once and for all
“Illegal settlement has created a lot of other related issues that may lead to bigger problems, a thing that we do not want to happen,” Mr Veke.
He urged the national government to seriously look at the issue and come up with solutions.
Meanwhile, police have so far arrested one person in relation to the house burning.
Families whose homes were burned have been relocated to the Nazareth Apostolic Centre and the Christian Care Centre.