Atoifi Police station in East Kwaio Malaita has reopened after a land owner threatens to close the police post at the end of last month.
Auki police has confirmed that two of its officers are currently serving at Atofi police post after the land owners, the hospital management and school of nursing requested the reopening back of the police post.
According to the Auki police supervisor David Wate, landowners have requested the reopening of the police post after it was closed down on the 30th of June following a threat from a land owner after police raided his bottle shop said to be operating illegally.
Mr. Wate said police have already met with the land owners where they agreed that the police post will remain in Atoifi for the safety of East Kwaio people and the two big institutions namely Atoifi Hospital and School of Nursing.
With that Mr. Wate has called on the chiefs and leaders of East Kwaio to work together and stop criminal activities in the area for the good of all while encouraging the people to abide by the law.
In Auki