A first ever training for the Ministry of Light team leaders is currently underway at Holy Cross Hall this week which begins Saturday – 10 June.
The Ministry was established by a local business man – Steven Sifoburi way back after the ethnic Crises in the past years.
The training purposely to empower Light Ministry leaders in various communities in the 13 Parishes to do their job by way of spreading light to team members and to do reached out programs by sharing the message of light in respective communities.
“As the message is testimony to people who come and listen to the message of light, the Ministry of light is more of sharing and living on values in four basics in life, that is the personal Life, family life, daily work and Spiritual life,” said The Ministry Coordinator Mr. Thadius Mauri.
He said the Ministry is supported by the Scriptures and it is a Scriptural program.
“The Ministry is supported by the scripture and it is scriptural programs where Ministry members live on their prayer lives.
“On Thursdays and Sunday team members come together for the Rosary and prayer meeting respectively,” the Coordinator said.
The Ministry also has a household profile where family used to come together to share and worship.
The Ministry comprised of members from religions across the Country.
Facilitators of the training are the Ministry founder Mr Sifoburi and other resource person from the respective Parishes.
The training attended by participants from Auki and Honiara Archdiocese and will end on Saturday 17 June 2017.
Similar training will be held in August at Rohinari, Auki Malaita province.
By Camillus Kole
Catholic Media