Minister for Women, Youth and Children’s Affairs Freda Tuki has urged husbands and boyfriends to start changing their behaviours towards women.
She said they must change their behaviours towards their wives and girlfriends and find non-violent solutions to their intimate problems and family issues.
Tuki made the statement recently in Honiara during the 16-day activism on domestic violence.
“Violence against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights and it can only be put to an end by addressing gender inequality, and for men to change their behaviour towards women.
“My ministry is calling on everyone to help prevent violence against women; husbands and boyfriends must change their attitudes and behaviour towards women.
“Preventing violence against women can save lives and prevent human suffering and it is everybody’s business to take responsibility to ensure our communities are safe and families are protected from domestic violence so that women and girls can be valued in the society.
“I am calling on church and community leaders to work with the government and the civil societies who are engaged in programs to raise effective prevention strategies to stop violence and service provision to support and protect victims of violence and to report any incident to the police.”