Dear Editor – Andrew D Muaki’s first article in his Friday’s weekly viewpoint column ‘Voice from the side’ (Solomon Star), he raised illustratively the topic ‘Sleep Walking’ and correlated well to the current National Government’s actions on West Papua.
In the domestic scene, I would go further and apply the ‘ sleep walking’ approach by the Solomon Islands Democratic Coalition for Change Government (SIDCCG) to the much publicized flagship projects of 2014 to 2017.
The country has spent millions of dollars on the projects by setting up cabinet subcommittee after subcommittees.
Constitutional committees after committees. Consultation nationwide after consultations to deliberate on the flagship projects.
The following projects come to front:
-Federal System of Government
-Reviving DBSI
-Establishing Growth Centres
-Establishing Special Economic Zones
-Solving & reviving RIPEL
-Variou projects for Malaita Province
-CEMA review
-Reviving Cattle Industry
It’s with pity the above projects will ever become a reality during the time of SIDCCG.
The way to contain the sleep walk syndrome is to be consistent with government policies and see to it that a good project is completed before jumping on to another.
Clement Kengava
Former MP
Taro, Choiseul