MARKET vendors at Busurata and the surrounding communities are very happy as maintenance work on their road commences this week.
The 14-kilometer road access connects the people of Busurata, Okwala, and others more to Auki market.
A few vendors traveled to Auki yesterday morning smile and enjoyed their ride down the road.
“We are happy that our road is now being maintained,” they said, adding the road has been left to deteriorating for almost six years.
Seeing that maintenance worked started now they said they are happy with work.
One of the officers who maintained the road said that they would be putting all their effort to make sure they complete it on time.
“This road is very important to the people here. We will do our best to complete the road soon,” the officer said.
The road is being maintained by a group owned by the Member of Parliament for central Kwara’ae, Jackson Fiulaua.
in Auki