THE Extended Objection and Omission period of the Voter Registrants will end today 29th November 2018.
According to the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) Chief Electoral Officer today will be the last day for the public to filing their objection or omission on the provisional lists.
Mose Saitala said since the objection period ends today he reminded all electorates to follow up on the next phase of the BVR process which the public inquiry.
He said the SIEC will compile the list of omission and objections and publish the lists as of tomorrow 30th November in all constituencies as well as in the newspapers.
“I encourage the registrants to check up the lists. If your name appears on the list you will have to be present during the public inquiry to defend or present your case to the revising officer of your constituency,” he said.
SIEC Communication Officer Philothea Paul earlier said it is important that the public especially registrants must follow up the entire process leading up to the election next year.
Mrs Paul urges that people should continue to observe and keep following up the election on the different phases to the end.