THE Electoral Amendment Act 2018 contradicts the national constitution.
That’s according to People’s Progressive Party president Charles Dausabea.
“The way the Electoral Amendment Act 2018 forbids meetings, awareness, and association contradicts section 13 and 14 of the national constitution,” Dausabea stated.
He added section 13 and 14 of the national constitution talks about the protection of freedom of assembly and association, and protection of freedom of movement.
“The Electoral Amendment Act 2018 has clearly denied this part of the constitution,” Dausabea said.
He said limiting people from their freedom to discuss prior to the national general election is like denying their rights to discuss to come up with a good decision to select quality leaders to represent the country in parliament.
“People should conduct awareness talks, meetings, and have close association well before the campaign period started to allow them to make good and sound decision during the polling day.”
He said limiting people to discuss, having meetings, associations, and conducting awareness only after the campaign period was declared limits the time for voters to discuss and choose quality leaders because people have very short time to analyse the intending candidates to choose the right one.
With that, he said Electoral Amendment Act 2018 is a sign of desperation by the outgoing Member of Parliament to be re-elected back into power this year.
in Auki