POLICE in Honiara have arrested ten vehicle drivers over the weekend following a traffic operation targeting drink driving.
Director of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Traffic Department at the Kukum Traffic Centre in east Honiara, Superintendent Fredrick Satu says,
“On the night of 26 January 2019 my officers were involved in a random breath testing (RBT) operation along the Kukum High Way.”
He adds: “A total of 114 vehicles were checked by my officers during that operation.
“Ten vehicle drivers were arrested with eight of them having alcohol in their blood over the legal limit while two drivers were arrested for driving unlicensed motor vehicles.
“The drivers are being processed to appear before the Honiara Magistrates Court at later dates.”
“So far there’s no reports of any injuries to any driver, but my officers attended a vehicle that overturned at the east end of the Mataniko downstream bridge.
“The driver of the vehicle is reported fine and was tested negative with the breathalyzer,” says Traffic Director Satu.
It is alleged the accident at the Mataniko Bridge may have been caused by the driver falling asleep.
Superintendent Satu appeals to drivers to always take extra care when driving and when you feel sleepy stop the vehicle where it is safe and make yourself feel awake before continuing.