THE Minister of Development Planning and Aid Coordination Rick Hou was pleased with the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) program in North Malaita.
This followed a combine visit by the Minister of Health and Medical service Dickson Mua and Mr Hou to North Malaita last Saturday.
Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an innovative methodology for mobilising communities to completely eliminate open defecation (OD).
Mr Houa said he was happy to see the working partnership between communities and government donor partners to help address the need of rural communities to have good toilets.
He acknowledged provincial coordinator CLTS facilitators, Caritas, UNICEF and partners to encourage the communities to be involved in the CLTS program.
He added he was also happy to hear from community leaders spoke about the impact of CLTS program to their communities.
Under the CLTS program in North Malaita a total of 50 out of 200 targeted communities have been declared as No Open Defecation communities.
In Auki