The country’s national men’s futsal team Solomon Kurukuru is appealing to all its supporters and fans to pledge and support them in their preparations towards the OFC world cup qualifiers next month.
According to a statement posted on Team Kurukuru’s Facebook page, the team is undergoing a very tough preparation in terms of strength and endurance.
It stated that team Kurukuru needs support through the provision of water during their four days training sessions, food for after each training session, transportation and any other means of support whether be in cash or other.
Those who want to help are asked to contact the team manager on phone 7411100 or come to the Multipurpose Hall at 2pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
The Kurukuru team has been in training since last year and is going towards its final stages of its strict intensive training programmes.
The phases of its preparation is such that the team has never experienced before.
It is forefront by the professional eyes of their strength and conditioning Coach Alexandre Argolo a very qualified coach and head coach Vinicius who both are Brazilians.