THE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade wishes to announce the departure of Foreign Minister Manele for the United Nations General Assembly.
Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele will be travelling to Beijing to formalize diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China ahead of attending United Nations Meetings in New York.
Signing of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China is sanctioned by the Government following the Government’s decision to establish relations with the People’s Republic of China on Monday, 16 of September.
The Joint Communiqué to establish relations between Solomon Islands and People’s Republic of China will be signed by Minister Manele and Honourable Yi Wang, State Counsilor, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
The signing of relations will trigger a series of bilateral discussions between officials on a range of areas, that PRC will assist Solomon Islands on including infrastructure, education, sports, tourism, health, trade and investment.
Minister Manele will be leading Solomon Islands delegation to the 74th United Nations General Assembly.
Minister Manele will return back to Honiara through Brisbane, stopping over in Australia to formally open Solomon Islands newly established Consulate General in Brisbane.