KUSIKA community in North West Guadalcanal successfully celebrated its 20th anniversary since the construction of a Catholic church in 1999.
The event was held fortnight ago North West Guadalcanal Solomon Star stringer John Toki said.
Theme for the 20th anniversary was: ‘Challenge the growth of Christian faith at Kusika community.’
The celebration was also to remember the time the forefathers of Kusika and other communities in North West Guadalcanal accepted Catholic church.
The first Catholic church buildings were established at these following villages between 1908-1909: Vatupura, Tabea, Tana Valey, Kolupa and Tolala.
In 1999 Kusika community built its own church.
The 20th anniversary celebration program was held from 13th to 20th September 2019.
The celebration program was presided by acting Vicar Fr. John Galvin.
Mr Toki said about 2000 Catholic people gathered at Kusika to mark the event.
He said people came as far as from Savo, Russel, Honiara and other local Catholic communities around North West Guadalcanal.
Mr. Toki said during the event they remembered and prayed for the people of Kusika who received the good news of Jesus Christ.
He said at the ceremony the congregation paid tribute to the forefathers of Kusika for accepting the gospel.
Mr. Toki said without the forefathers of people living at Vatupura, Tabea, Tana Valey, Kolupa and Tolala, the Catholic church would not penetrate through West Guadalcanal.
During the week long celebration monument on the arrival of Catholic church of Kusika was erected.
The monument is to remind current and future generations of Kusika when the Catholic mission arrived in that region between 1908-1909.
It was later in 1999 that Catholic Parish at Kusika was dedicated and is now called St. Peter Chanel.
St. Chanel is recognized as protomartyr and patron of the Oceania.
He was born on 12 July 1841;Montrevel-en-Bresse.
His feast day is 28 April.
St. Chanel after serving as a missionary in the Oceania region later died on Futuna Island.
The 20th anniversary was reported as an enjoyable and successful one.