Member of Parliament for Baegu/Asifola Makario Tagini said his priority for his constituency is to provide free education for the students within its constituency.
Mr Tagini said that Education is the number one priority of Baegu/Asifola constituency’s 8-year strategic plan and his office has paid a total of $235,000 to six schools both secondary and primary in the constituency as part of the free education initiative.
“The payment of the $235,000 funds to the six schools was a start of the free education initiative to and it was made after an understanding was made through consultations with the school boards of the six schools.
“This payment was to meet the school fees of the students from June this year to June next year before arrangement will be review after the evaluations made from the first two years.
“This initiative was to lift the burdens of the struggling parents in the rural areas so that they can be able to find money to meet their other family needs and my office is so happy with this initiative and we look forward to continue working together to support the schools and students in the constituency,’’ said Mr Tagini.
The schools are Binaulu secondary, Sulofolia, Lilifia and Guonatolo primary and secondary schools and Garota and Ususue primary schools.
Tagini adds that now his team is focusing on setting up the constituency office at Koliana village and the office furniture’s and equipment were already transported and ready for installation.
He also stated that setting up the office in the rural area will make it accessible to the people in the rural areas and a radio station is also planned to be set up purposely for the communication of the people in the rural areas.