Malaita for Democracy (M4D) organised its first dialogue with chiefs and church leader in Auki, Friday.
The dialogue was also attended by a number of outspoken Malaitans residing in Honiara.
The aim of dialogue is to hear and collect views from chiefs and church leaders in Malaita concerning the way forward for the province.
M4D president Knoxely Atu said the meeting was attended by 126 chiefs and church leaders.
He explains the dialogue is to invite chiefs and church leaders in Malaita to hear their views and contributions concerning a way forward for Malaita.
Atu said most participants have suggested self-determination as the way forward to develop Malaita.
He added they urged the Malaita provincial government to pursue that desire.
The Resolution produced from the dialogue stated that chiefs and church leaders have agreed to declare the will for self-determination on December 21 to be followed by a day of prayer on 22.
The chiefs encouraged Malaitans to work together and support the idea of self-determination for the province.
in Auki