Police Officers at the Kukum Traffic Centre and in Honiara City will be on the road to make sure all road users abide by the traffic rules during this festive season.
The Police Media Unit has stated that Supervising Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Capital and Crime Prevention Alfred Uiga and his team have set up a Road Management plan on Christmas Eve.
“….Traffic Operation Team will be checking all vehicles along the Mendana Avenue to Central Market. It’s going to be a challenging job for us but we need your cooperation.”
AC Uiga says, “The traffic operation has been mounted to ensure all vehicles on our roads have valid vehicle licenses and drivers must have a valid driver’s license and third party insurance.”
“Police want to ensure that all road users are safe when using our roads. We also want to crack down on drink driving because drivers are still ignoring the traffic safety awareness messages.”
“I must warn drivers and vehicle owners that police will not tolerate anyone who breaches the traffic rules. We will deal with the offenders on the spot severely. It is very common in the Solomon Islands to see overloading on vehicles, including passengers riding in the tray of vehicles. This must stop,” AC Uiga emphasises.
“Whilst the RSIPF appreciates that passengers riding in the tray of vehicles has become a common practice, the public needs to be aware of the dangers and the driver is responsible for the safety of passengers.”
AC Uiga explains: “Under the Traffic Act, no vehicle shall be used on a road if it is loaded in such a manner as to make it a danger to other persons using the road or to persons travelling on the vehicle.”
“RSIPF have responded to a number of recent instances where persons have been killed when vehicles have lost control and either the load has fallen off and killed persons or the passengers on the rear of the vehicle had been thrown off and killed.”
• Drive to the conditions and speed restrictions
• If you are going to drink, don’t drive. If you are going to drive, don’t drink.
• Do not take drugs that will impair your ability to operate a vehicle.
• Never get into a vehicle if the driver is affected with alcohol.
• Ensure that you and your vehicle are licenced.
• Ensure that your vehicle is not overloaded and passengers are safe
• Properly restrain children.
Your cooperation and assistance will help you and your police to maintain law and order on our roads.