THE Guadalcanal Premier is calling on the National Government to extend the quarantine period of 14 to 28 days.
Honorable Francis Sade made the call citing that 14 days of quarantine still has loopholes because people who are in quarantine centers are highly likely to contract the virus from others during the quarantine period.
“Example; if we travel in a flight together and ended up together in quarantine, the infected person will transmit the virus to those who quarantined alongside him/her whilst in quarantine,” Premier Sade said.
“Then when the 14 days are over, the person might feel sick later but he already transmitted the virus to those with whom they are in quarantine,” he said.
He said that those who are in quarantine with the person who is infected, then upon reintegrating in the community will definitely pass the virus to their household and others he or she may come into contact with especially in public spaces.
“I, therefore, call the government and other responsible authorities to extend the number of quarantine days from 14 to 28,” Premier Sade said.
By Esther Nuria