THE Chinese government plans to develop all the provinces by establishing a sister relationship with each province with a number of provinces in China.
This was highlighted by Counselor Ming Yao from the Chinese Embassy in Solomon Islands during an interview with the paper early this week.
He said this is similar to what Guadalcanal Province has with Guangdong Province for the past ten years.
Counselor Yao also announced that Western Province is next with the establishment of a sister relationship with Fujian Province of China.
He said once the Chinese Embassy is fully established in the country, work to reach out to all the provinces will commence as part of their long term commitment to support development in the country.
“In the future, we hope to foster relationships with more provinces such as Choiseul, Makira, Temotu, Isabel, and other provinces apart from Western and Guadalcanal.
“We want to establish a relationship with each province one by one first.
“We are ready to reach out to the people in every province. Our commitment is long term,” he said.
Counselor Yao said they (Chinese gov’t) don’t want to be seen as just a country that comes to make donations.
“We don’t want to be seen as a donor that only makes a donation,” he said.
He said their goal is to share development ideas so that this country can develop itself.
“Our goal is to share our development aspiration with the Solomon Islands.
“We are here to help and share ideas so that this country can learn how to develop itself,” he said.
Counselor Yao added, he hopes the provinces will take note of the potential the proposed relationship will have to bring development to their provinces.
He said the current COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down their programs to work on projects.
As such he appeals to all the provinces to be patient with the Chinese government as it settles down before commencing its programs.
Meanwhile, Malaita Province on Tuesday maintained that it won’t allow any investment from the Chinese government.