MEDIA has been urged to report more positive news than negative in order to help with the development of this country.
Solomon Airlines, Commercial Manager, Colin Sigimanu has stated this when presenting the Airlines’ situation during the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) three-day workshop on strengthening the capacity of journalists to report on the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Positive reporting from the media will create a positive impact on the country’s development,” he said yesterday.
“When you run a lot of negativity; you will create a lot of negativity with no benefits,” he said.
However, he stated when running positive statements or making positive statements will create positivity in a working environment.
He added people will become alive and moving, making things happen because positivity gives them support and hope.
“The cooperation I will ask from you media, to run stories on how you will twist the mentality and mindset of the people to become positive in a challenging and difficult situation.
“There will always be a hope in the future if we all put our minds and work together to look at what lies ahead,” Sigimanu said.