THE Attorney General (AG)John Muria Junior says there is no lockdown in the Solomon Islands as rumours continue to speculate.
Mr. Muria made the clarification during yesterday’s Covid-19 talk-back show update.
He said as already been explained through past talk-back shows and through the PM address, a lockdown would only be declared if there’s a community outbreak of COVID-19 in the country.
He added, as part of preparing for any lock-down, awareness has been conducted in the print media over the past weeks.
“Recently you can see slides replicated in our newspapers but they are just part of our preparation plans so that our people can read it and fully understand what’s going to happen in the event of any lock-down,” he said.
Muria said those slides clearly stated what authorities will do and what is expected from people to follow as well as phone numbers to call in times of lock-down and what to do in terms of emergency and others.
“Those are important information people need to know so that in the event of any lock-down, people already know what authorities will do and what is required of them.
“This will make things easier especially in terms of procedures in addressing the COVID-19,” he added.
Meanwhile, he said normal rules still apply in this time of pandemic unless the situation changes, additional measures will be put in place to match the situation.
He said at the moment the government is considering all measures and will be implementing certain measures as when necessary by an order made under the emergency powers regulations.
“At the moment, our same rules still apply and no new orders are put in place except those that are currently enforced are in force and are not been revoked,” he said.
He said orders are already in place and the current situation is under control but unless the situation changes, measures will also be put depending on the nature of the situation.
Muria however, explains the state of public emergency declared is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions or impose policies that it wouldn’t normally be permitted to undertake.
Newsroom, Honiara