The Ministry of Forestry and Research clarifies claims made by Guadalcanal Provincial Government that Sino Capital (SI) Limited has no timber rights over various customary lands in the East Central Guadalcanal.
In an issued statement, it says there are records of timber rights conducted by the Guadalcanal Provincial Executive in 2007 which led to the issuance of a felling licence A10762 which covers various customary lands in East Central Guadalcanal. This licence is valid until 2025.
The Forestry Office says a felling licence could not have been issued if one would not have fulfilled the timber rights acquisition process. In this case, we have records to prove that the timber rights process has been fulfilled.
It further clarifies that the issue at hand which led to the suspension of GBC Integrated Wood Limited felling licence as confirmed according to field report was because it eventually enters and operates within areas which have already been covered under Sino Capital (SI) Limited’s felling license.
More so, ‘Kalangali Ridge’ the land of concern was not included in GBC Integrated Wood Limited’s initial application and was never consented by the forestry office prior to their Timber Right Hearing according to records.
The land in question was only included and accepted by the Guadalcanal Provincial Executive during the Timber Rights Hearing when it should not be considered.
As a result, it creates issues that now arise, says the Forestry Office.
However, the Forestry Office is currently working on rectifying and reviewing the mismatch created by the parties’ concern.
– MoFR Press