Dear Editor – The recent documents posted in the island sun by Steven Maki in response to Wilson Maemae’s call for him to produce legal documents to validate his call for Maemae and Rence Sore to resign from their post, is evidently to the extent that I can agree that the call for Maemae and Sore to resign is urgent and substantial.
I had recently read the two documents and find it convincing beyond any reasonable doubt that what transpired during the time of these happenings calls for a thorough and intensive investigation by the PAC and as recommended in the special spot audit report, the police.
Wilson Maemae and Rence Sore queried the call by PAC for the public to submit their side of the story on the HCC spot audit report before it will be tabled in parliament. A sad reality of someone who desperately tried to defend themselves from being accountable and transparent to the Honiara city populace and the Solomon Island as a nation. They argued that the PAC does not have the powers or any right to conduct any form of hearing because the case is already before the LCC and POLICE for further investigations, however, the PAC interim chairman responded to their claim and slams the door right in their face by outlining the due processes and functions of the national parliament to validate their call for the hearing.
On the other hand, the Permanent Secretary of home affairs Jeffery Deve argued, that the minister through the ministry did its part by forwarding specific aspects of the reports to the relevant authorities for further investigations.
So why Maemae and Sore argued not to relinquish their post is my concern. Are they holding on because of some assurances that the onus is still on their side, And that the report will not have any repercussions on them as leaders of an institution? That is an interesting idea play to watch.
The call by Maki for Maemae and Sore to resign is based on fact founded in the principle of good governance and transparency carried out by an institution for integrity (auditor general office) that was mandated by the national constitution of Solomon Island.
It seems Maemae and Sore, were desperate to conceal the auditor’s report from reaching the parliament and besides trying to wait on some assurance by the minister that the report bears no detrimental to be able to qualify their dismissal or dissolution of Honiara city council.
I, just like any other concerned Solomon islander who stands up against corruption call on Wilson Maemae and Rense sore to do the right thing by resigning. I guarantee you whether you like it or not a decision is on its way, so act before they act.