SECRETARY to the Prime Minister (SPM) Dr. Jimmie Rodgers says that there is no protection for those who haven’t get the Covid-19 vaccination (vax).
Speaking during a radio talk-back show on Sunday via zoom from Fiji Dr. Rodgers said a lot of people in the country think that Covid-19 will not infect them.
“Speaking here not only as an administrator but also a doctor that there were cases of people dying every day, and there were families torn apart because of this virus.
“I really want to make sure all of us in the country have to know that this virus is not something that we can play around with,” he said.
He said there were countries who went on to mandatory vaccination because the virus spreads like wildfire in their country.
He said for Solomon Islands case, the government wants to ensure that the eligible ages are all vaccinated.
“If we are to look at Fiji from a point, we can learn that there are good things Fiji has done.
“We cannot match their capacity and concentration and that. But there are also things we don’t want to happen in our country like community transmission.
“So, I think the most important thing is for us to have a mandatory vaccination for public servants in the first instance. This is to ensure that all of us who work for the Solomon Islands government can continue to do our duties.
“Our duty is just not to ourselves, our duty is to the rest of the population,” he said.
Solomon Islands Acting High Commission in Fiji Elson Mason said what Fiji has done more in carrying out the vaccination roll-out to its people.
Attorney General John Muria junior mandatory COVID 19 vaccination for all government employees, SOE staff, third parties and their immediate families is important.
He said other countries around the region and world are also doing the same to protect their citizens.
He encouraged Solomon Islanders to come forward and receive their jabs to protect their families from this COVID 19 Pandemic.
Newsroom, Honiara