TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands (TSI) continue to be disturbed by the ongoing injustices perpetrated by certain people of Ongong Java and their Asian business partners on locals engaging in the trading of bechedemer.
Early July this year TSI ran a story on the case of Dr. Reginald Aipia, a victim of the unfair treatment by officials holding important positions in the government offices responsible to execute the laws pertaining to fisheries.
TSI’s media article served as a reminder to public officials abusing their official position for their personal gain and those, they collude with to deny other citizens their equal rights to benefit from bechedemer.
It was based on the High Court Decision (HCC: 483/2018) delivered on June this year which ruled that the police and MFMR were guilty of unlawful arrest, malicious prosecution and false imprisonment of Aipia, and unlawful detention of Aipia’s bechedemer.
TSI cautioned public officials of the repercussion the law may have on the government per HCC: 483/2018 which backfired on the government to pay $56 million for damage and loss of business.
Hence, TSI believed that the case was served as a precedence that the Ministry of Public Service and the Public Service Commission (PSC) to be cautious and tight up discipline on government officials whose erroneous decisions may incur huge cost on taxpayers.
TSI also believed that the case of Dr. Reginald Aipia is just a tip of the iceberg, thus more is needed to be done to stop corruption in the trading of bechedemer that denies the country and citizens the much-needed benefit they deserved from this marine resource.
Despite the case clearly shows how police, Attorney General (AG) office and Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) colluded for the unlawful arrest of Aipia in 2017, it seems none of those public officer care.
Because on February this year, three police officers again misused police dingy to approach Aipia at Roncador reef for arrest on false report by same people in the Ministry of Fisheries that he illegally harvesting bechedemer.
But Dr. Aipia in fact went out fishing with his men on a hired vessel. As a result of the police intrusion into their fishing activities, those fishermen were afraid and want to return back to their families in Lord Howe.
Aipia again incurred another big lose to his business since he had hired two vessels and his fishing license wasted.
His recruited fishermen were traumatized then by police interference and feared that anything could happen to them and their families so they demand Aipia to cancel the fishing trip and go back to Ontong Java.
Furthermore, it is obvious to TSI that Solomon Islands is always targeted by crooks when it comes to trading raw materials that values in millions of dollars.
Particularly the logging sector, mining industry and bechedemer. Unlike forestry, bechedemer has a harvesting period and closing season managed and control by Ministry of Fisheries.
However, there was and is always a practice of unfair treatment by MFMR and police specifically on a local business man who strive as any other citizen to equally benefit from bechedemer.
As an indigenous person from Lord Howe, Dr. Aipia have all the rights to harvest marine resources like others but unfortunately, he is always the target of police and fisheries discriminately, from other bechedemer dealers.
Despite the fact that the magistrate court acquitted him in 2017 for illegally harvesting bechedemer, MFMR instruct police to again arrest him in February this year at Roncordor reef, but upon arrival police learned that he was on a fishing trip and did not harvest bechedemer.
Prior to the lifting of the bechedemer ban, Transparency Solomon Islands also received reports that there were small boats often travelling from Lord Howe to Honiara transporting bechedemer to the Chinese buyers were never arrest and monitored by police.
These boats using horse powered engine travel long distance from Luangiua or Pelau for more than eight hours to reach Honiara. They continue to do this because the ships were always raided by police upon arrival at the Point Cruz wharf.
Thus, using small boats powered by engine to secretly transport bechedemer to their buyers in Honiara. TSI urged police to tight up monitoring on this practice once the bechedemer harvesting season close.
It is a normal practice for bechedemer poachers to continue do whatever means possible to trade sea cucumber by evading police.
Moreover, Transparency Solomon Islands is aware of the ongoing scramble for sea cucumber in the largest chained of inhabited fringing reef in the country.
These competitions to get the most benefit out from this profitable marine product involve village-based resources owners of Ontong Java, Chinese business men, some public servants who work as agents for the Asian buyers and the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Malaita Outer Islands (MOI).
As the case in Lord Howe was reported to our office, TSI is compel to say that there should be no more form of discrimination against other locals who wish to harvest bechedemer for commercial purposes or other uses.
Everyone must be given the equal opportunity to engage in the business of bechedemer trading as long as they are from MOI.
The unfair treatment and injustice perpetrated on Dr. Aipia by ministry of fisheries and some self-claimed chiefs on the atoll alleged to be serving the interest of the MP must be discouraged.
TSI also aware of some government officials from Lord Howe involving in Bechedemer trading reported to their office, however urging the relevant integrity institution like the Leadership Code Commission (LCC), Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Ombudsman office to ensure compliance.
Lastly, Transparency Solomon Islands again would share its view on reports of unfair treatment by Ministry of Fisheries executed by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) on a particular person. TSI think that the laws of Solomon Islands must be applied to everyone indiscriminately.
The past incidence in 2017 which the patrol boat went and arrest Dr. Aipia and brought him to custody, while allowing others including their Chinese buyers to harvest bechedemer was a gross injustice we must not let it repeated.
Given this open season for harvesting bechedemer, everyone must be given the equal opportunity to harvest this lucrative marine product and no one should be left out or denied.
MFMR and RSIPF must ensure there is equal opportunity for all and do not show favoritism towards Chinese buyers and their cronies as alleged to be the case in the past. Prior to lifting of the bechedemer ban, Ministry of Fisheries and the RSIPF must ensure everyone are well inform in advance, with tougher penalties on poaching practices before the ban was lifted and after the harvesting season officially closed.
The laws should not be targeting just one man or a group to serve the shellfish interest of someone. The police and Ministry of Fisheries should never compromise their independence and integrity during this harvesting season of bechedemer.