LAUGWATA Community High school (CHS) in ward 3 of West Kwara’ae electorate has officially farewelled its grade nine students in a graduation ceremony held on Friday 3rd November.
The graduation event also marked the official closing of this year’s academic programs for the school.
A total of 10 students from grade nine and 20 from grade six have graduated and received their certificates awards of completion.
This is the third graduation ceremony held since the Laugwata recognised as a community high school.
Speaking at the ceremony, guest of honour a former teacher of Laugwata School who is now the Principal of Emmaus Christian School in Honiara Hilda Takarobo encouraged the grandaunts and students to be responsible for their choices and rights.
She highlighted negative impact of modern technologies such as mobile phone normally disturbs students’ learning.
However she believes that the negative impact of mobile phone and other technology does not happen at Laugwata School like in the urban centres.
She reminded the grandaunts and students of the important of the school motto “Learn to Survive”.
“The school motto guides your learning process through years of schooling at Laugwata school.” she said.
However she reminded the students to be responsible of the opportunity of learning.
“Nowadays employment need qualified people. This means that you must responsible for your learning to acquire qualification that can earn you a good job,” Mrs Takarobo said.
She congratulated the grandaunts and acknowledged the school administration and board for inviting her as guest to the school graduation.
Speaking on behalf of student and grandaunts, school outgoing head boy Davis Asite’e thanked the school administration and teachers for their time and effort to educate and shape them to become leaders.
The program also featured prize presentation, entertainment and refreshment.
Auki News Bureau